
Implementation Phase

This is one of the most critical pages where the application and the tools are taken to the field tested and are first piloted with the target group. They are measured on its viability, user friendliness and understanding of the application by the target group. This phase also involves iterative to and fro to make the solution appropriate for the target group. Once the pilot test is completed, the solution is implemented in the community. The solution is also tested for various external factors like connectivity, ground reality and other unprecedented situations. This phase also comprises of trainings, where procedures for training facilitators and learners are developed. This phase also involves basic registrations, installation and setting up a basic trouble shooting procedure and /or a team. Also dissemination strategy is developed, like engaging in partnerships for effective implementing and larger reach of the tools like Telecos, government, re-charge centers, community workers, NGOs, international agencies, hospitals, community radio stations etc. We help in build strong partnerships across multiple sectors to make this stage a success.