

ZMQ Development is a non-profit organization which creates and implements practical technology linked tools & solutions to empower communities by providing timely information and connecting them with life-saving services, thus achieving sustainable development. We work with communities and existing organized human networks on the ground aiming to amplify their effectiveness through technology-led approach. ZMQ’s model combines social mission with technology to maximize the impact of health, education and livelihood interventions.

At the grass-root level, we work with communities, local NGOs, community workers, and government infrastructure to facilitate exchange of knowledge and provision services share and connect on social innovation practices toward improving lives of the rural communities. In this entire process, we capture feedback with supported technologies to generate reports to gauge impact across programs all around the world.

Gavi’s INFUSE Pacesetter 2019

ZMQ Development along with VillageReach – and Premise Data was selected as one of the three ‘2019 Pacesetters' under INFUSE initiative, created by Gavi to help countries accelerate the
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StopTB Partnership – Wave 7

ZMQ project of integrated MCH and TB model is selected for Wave 7 call for applications which solicited 593 proposals. Along with TB innovation, Wave 7 will focus on empowering
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MIRA Theater

ZMQ is a pioneer in using innovative digital approaches to create awareness on critical health issues for effective SBCC (Social and Behaviour Change Communication). ZMQ is implementing this unique initiative
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Stories on Childhood Pneumonia

ZMQ is a pioneer in using innovative digital approaches to create awareness on critical health issues for effective SBCC (Social and Behaviour Change Communication). ZMQ is implementing this unique initiative
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Mobile for All

Digital Connect has broken all barriers; it has reached in the hands of remotest communities, poorest of the poor and the under-privileged. This resource brings a great opportunity to enable
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Games for Development

ZMQ is a pioneer in using ‘Game for Development’ and uses it as a sustainable model to create behavior change. The key focus areas are like Health, WASH, Nutrition, ARSH,
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Smart Madarsa

Smart Madarsa is a program started by ZMQ to mainstream Madarsa education in India and build a model to refine Madarsa education using ICTs and Gaming and then scale it
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Connect-2-Climate is a Mobile & ICT based Games initiative to raise public awareness to combat Climate Change. The initiative has a special focus on issues related to energy efficiency, environment
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Freedom Polio

Under the Freedom Polio project, ZMQ along with CORE Group Polio Project (CGPP) worked on a holistic mHealth solution designed for effective community level health management to combat Polio. The
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Freedom HIV/AIDS

Freedom HIV/AIDS project launched in 2005 was a classical example of how mobile games on critical health issue like HIV/AIDS was able to create awareness among the rural communities and
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Ajeevika Connect

Ajeevika Connect is part of ZMQ’s Universal SHG Platform, a technology-based mobile training platform for Self Help Groups to deliver Livelihood & Skills Training, provisioning Government Schemes like MGNREGA, IAY
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MIRA Channel - Social Impacts

people_iconPEOPLE  REACHED
266,000+woman & girl using MIRA

antenatal_iconANTENATAL CARE
Increase in ANC visits by 55% (from 23% to 82%, In Haryana)

delivery_iconDELIVERY CARE
Increase in Institutional delivery by 49%(from 32% to 81%, overall Haryana is 49%)

Increase in immunization rate of children 0-5 years by 41%(from 51% to 92%. In Haryana)