
MIRA Theater

ZMQ is a pioneer in using innovative digital approaches to create awareness on critical health issues for effective SBCC (Social and Behaviour Change Communication). ZMQ is implementing this unique initiative combat Childhood Pneumonia using digital story-telling. Childhood Pneumonia is a leading infectious diseases causing child mortality under five. It approximately kills 2,400 children a day. In 2016, India witnessed 158,176 childhood pneumonia deaths. ZMQ has partnered with Philips Foundation under the mentorship of Ashoka to create a double impact collaborative action lab to combat childhood pneumonia.

ZMQ has created a new genre of storytelling called ‘Talking Comics’ for rural women with lesser literacy to inculcate healthy behaviours. The program has created 6 digital stories which have been integrated ZMQ’s pioneering project MIRA Channel – a mobile based Maternal and Child Health program which uses RMNCH+A approach. The stories are created in local language and local context which are designed to create awareness on childhood pneumonia, identifying danger signs, prevention (through immunization using pneumococcal conjugate vaccine), treatment and care & support. The program also supports identifying danger signs & monitoring (using ChArm device) and generating demand for treatment and support. Philips Foundation brings its innovation of ChARM Monitors, a medical device designed to detect Childhood Pneumonia. The two innovations are integrated on the grounds of Mewat, which is an aspiration district of India with one of the lowest development indicators.


One of the features of the program lies in door-to-door dissemination of stories through MIRA workers as well as dissemination through social media. ZMQ uses it unique ‘social engineering model’ to maximize the reach of stories through multiple dissemination modes like conducting workshops at PHC, focus group discussions with SHGs & village committees and conducting sessions with schools. In order to maximize its reach, ZMQ has created an innovative concept called ‘MIRA Theatre’ where canopy based theatres are set-up in remote villages and women and children are invited to see the video stories. MIRA Theater show is followed by focus group discussions in the community to have a better understanding of the illness.

Another unique feature of the program is its built-in stories with analytics – Pre-test modules, Post-test modules, Tracking users and Capturing KAP (Knowledge, Assessment and Practice) of the users.

Click on the link below to view the stories on Childhood Pneumonia. The link is :