
Freedom HIV/AIDS Africa

Freedom HIV/AIDS Africa has been an old initiative of ZMQ to combat HIV/AIDS using mobile phone games and was termed as 'Africa Reach Program' of ZMQ under the "Star Programme" of Hivos, a leading Dutch development organization and KPN, largest Dutch telecom company. The program was covered under the Star programme in six countries in Africa namely Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya in Eastern Africa, and Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia in Southern Africa, the regions of high HIV/AIDS prevalence. Under the program, ZMQ developed 2 mobile games - AIDS Fighter Pilot and AIDS Penalty Shoot Out. Apart from English, the games have been developed in local languages - Kiswahili and Shen.

AIDS Penalty Shoot Out is a soccer game based, a popular sport in Africa. In this game the player has to save and shoot penalties. On saving a penalty the gamer gets random messages on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, and on scoring a goal the user receives message on different modes of transmission and myths and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS. The score of a gamer also enables to capture the learning quotient of the gamer thus helping in a behavior change.

AIDS Fighter Pilot is an adventure game for youth to create HIV/AIDS awareness. The game is based on the story of a village boy - Juma and a village girl - Wanjiku, who are peer educators and have dedicated their lives to fight HIV/AIDS by spreading knowledge about HIV/AIDS in every corner of their village using their Glider.